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Diálogos Amazônicos | ESG, investimentos e a Amazônia

A realização de investimentos requer bem mais do que avaliações sobre seus retornos financeiros. Quando se trata de investimentos na Amazônia Brasileira, a responsabilidade social, corporativa e ambiental, conhecido como ESG, ganha ainda mais atenção. Neste contexto, os investimentos precisam estar engajados aos ODS (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável). Neste episódio dos Diálogos Amazônicos, vamos ouvir […]

Prêmio Megafone de Ativismo

O primeiro prêmio de ativismo brasileiro acontecerá no dia 6 de abril e é uma parceria das instituições Pimp My Carroça, Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), WWF, Greenpeace, Engajamundo, Hivos e Vozes Pela Ação Climática (VAC). São ao todo 14 categorias: Ação Direta, Arte de Rua, Cartaz em Manifestação, Cidadão Indignado, Documentário, Foto, Jovem Ativista, Marcha ou […]

Presentation Seminar of the Quilombola Diagnosis

The event, on-line and free of charge, will present the diagnosis resulting from the first phase of the initiative "Together for quilombola children and adolescents in Pará", promoted in partnership by UNICEF and Agenda Pública. The project's goal is to identify challenges and opportunities in serving quilombola children and adolescents, building an integrated look at […]

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Amazon

The potential of the Amazon bioeconomy and the valorization of knowledge and biodiversity need innovation, investors, and entrepreneurs capable of changing the key to the region's development. AMAZ is promoting a debate about this with Denis Minev (Bemol's CEO), Fernando Russo (founder of the impact investment manager Meraki Impact), Joanna Martins (CEO of Manioca, an […]

Consolidated occupation and the arc of deforestation

The live is part of the series "Brazilian Amazon: Integrated Territorial Perspectives and Vision of the Future", produced by the Center for Synergia Studies, and will be a meeting to debate the historical process of transformation and use of Amazonian soil and the pressures suffered over the years. Among the subjects on the agenda will […]

Mapping Agroforestry Businesses in Brazil

The Vale Fund, in partnership with Palladium, promotes a conversation about the Mapping of Agroforestry Businesses in Brazil: Approaching scalable productive arrangements initiatives with the Vale Fund. Representatives from the institutions will be present for a brief presentation about the proposal and, soon after, time will be dedicated to answer questions from the participants. With […]

Fruturos Seminar – Tomorrow’s Amazon

The activity aims to strengthen and amplify the voices of the region represented by the "Fruturos - Tempos Amazônicos" exhibition. It will be two days of talks, debates, and artistic […]