The new publication by Concertação, in partnership with the Brazilian Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition, and with the support of Partners for the Amazon (PPA), is now available. The report presents real cases that show how to generate jobs and income while keeping the forest standing.
Volume 2 of “Proposals for the Amazônia” promotes a dialogue between areas of knowledge and presents an in-depth look at six new central themes to drive the strategic development of the region
Born in the state of Pará, he is the artist to inspire the visual identity of the Concertation’s digital channels, as of December
Download the sixth volume of the Concertation´s Notebooks series! The publication addresses the biodiversity of the Amazon as an environmental and cultural heritage. It also highlights the importance of the sustainable use of the Amazon’s ecological wealth for the subsistence of local communities and for the balance of the planet.
By learning more about the influence of traditional knowledge on everyday foods, students from Acre sharpened their critical sense about the reality of the region
What we are
Network formed by people, institutions and companies with the purpose of seeking solutions for the conservation and sustainable development of the Amazon. We brought together more than 900 engaged leaders and created a democratic space for the dozens of initiatives in defense of the Amazon to meet, dialogue, increase the impact of their actions and generate new proposals and projects in favor of the forest and the populations that live in the region.
A systematized knowledge base about the region. The spiral format reflects the dynamic and constant expansion of this base.
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