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Culture is key to placing the Amazon at the center of Brazil, at the center of the Brazilian imagination. The Amazon needs to be part of the multiple identities that make up the country. Brazilians must be proud to be the country of the Amazon. To do this, it is important to integrate different visions and perceptions, considering the territorial and sociocultural diversity present in this territory. It is urgent to deconstruct stereotypes and build new symbols that reveal the Amazon in all its complexity.

Culture permeates the Amazon Concertation to find a balance between the rational and the sensible. It is the means by which we organize and give meaning to our individual and community actions. It is through culture that we modify space and build territories. Thus, the ways of doing, producing, relating, expressing ourselves and representing the world – whether in everyday life, in art or in rituals – are manifestations of culture.

There is no human relationship that is not mediated by cultural elements. Even political decision-making is based on cultural perspectives. Territories and the culture that organizes them are inseparable. In this sense, when we seek to act in territories, we must strive to consider the cultures that exist there. It is from them that we will find the meanings and uses of these spaces by different human groups. Furthermore, recognizing cultural practices is an inseparable path to sustainability. Culture needs to be absorbed beyond its aesthetic and entertainment aspects. It is also information, capable of raising awareness and engaging people.

To bring the Amazon to Brazil and Brazil to the Amazon, the Concertação invites you to visit this exhibition. “Porosities” is an immersion that shows how we balance rationality and sensitivity through a culture that has permeable pores, revealing landscapes, people, nature and dreams. Together, they indicate possible paths for old and new local challenges. This exhibition presents a set of our graphic pieces from the last four years. It is a trajectory marked by a constant dialogue between art and science, opening a moment of contemplation and reflection.

Composition: Fernanda Rennó

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