An agenda for the development of Amazonia
In the 7th plenary session of the Concertation, the document An agenda for the development of the Amazon was debated. It is the result of the rich debates and meetings of the members of the network in the last few months. The material intends to generate inputs for some important milestones ahead, such as the climate debate at COP26.

On September 13, 2021, the 7th Plenary of A Concertation for the Amazon was held, in which the document Uma agenda pelo desenvolvimento da Amazônia

Conducted by Roberto Waack, president of the board of Instituto Arapyaú, and by Lívia Pagotto, manager of knowledge management and advocacy at the institute, the plenary also brought news in the field of digital communication, contextualization of the document and exposure of its highlights, in addition to a rich debate with valuable contributions from the participants for the composition of the final text.

The introduction to Uma Concertação pela Amazônia recalled that the initiative is a network of people, institutions and companies formed to seek solutions for the conservation and development of this territory. Through its eight Working Groups, the network has been building a broad base of knowledge about the region, organized around the four pillars that guide it: development, business, institutional and governance.

With more than 400 engaged leaders today, the Concertation created a democratic space for dozens of initiatives in defense of the Amazon to meet, dialogue, increase the impact of their actions and generate new proposals and projects in favor of the forest and the populations that live in the region. region.

Among the news in September, the launch of the official Instagram channel (@concertacaoamazonia) stands out, which is already contributing to reaching new audiences and expanding the impact of concepts and actions. Another highlight was the launch of the Concertação Workplace, an exclusive social and work network for sharing documents, ideas and interaction between participants.

Moving on to the contextualization of the document An agenda for the development of the Amazon, the participants were contemplated with a retrospective of the process of building the text, which began at the first plenary session of the Concertation on June 29, 2020.

The document was prepared based on the contribution made by dialogues in plenary sessions, webinars, meetings and bimonthly balance sheet, in addition to consultations prior to the public availability of the structure and content presented in the document. The debates and proposals carried out within the scope of the eight Working Groups were also fundamental, in addition to nine initiatives and propositions of development plans for the Brazilian and Pan-Amazonian Amazon, based on the systematization and formulation of proposals for concrete actions (public and private) .

Then, the framework of the document was presented, bringing the basic premise and the different action fronts around four main areas: Conserved areas; Transition areas; Converted areas; and Cities.

After understanding the basic premise of each of the areas, the participants had access to the list of the respective specific action fronts (economy; fiscal instruments and financial mechanisms; territorial ordering and land tenure regularization; science, technology and innovation; and infrastructure), fronts of structuring actions and cross-cutting action fronts.

Finally, the Plenary was open to debate and had valuable contributions and suggestions for improvement by participants such as Izabella Teixeira, Guilherme Leal, Nabil Moura Kadri, Eduardo Viola, Ana Toni, Pedro Wongtschowski, Sérgio Leitão, Paulo Barreto, Oded Grajew, Rachel Biderman , Paulo Coutinho, Bia Saldanha, Beto Veríssimo, among others.

The meeting ended with the information that the document would be available to participants on the Workplace da Concertação for a week for further debates and contributions.

The definitive document will be released to the public in October and taken to COP26 to signal to the international community that Brazilian society is mobilized around the environmental agenda.


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