Suggested approach: how is social participation in the implementation processes of infrastructure policies in the Brazilian Amazon. How environmental licensing is neither sufficient nor comprehensive for the dilemmas posed, and how innovative experiences face their own challenges.
Both Ana Paula and Dionéia have strong experiences of the arrival of a large enterprise and how the spaces for social participation take place, which culminate in a development process with a territorial approach, and consequently with greater chances of achieving inclusive and sustainable development. Daniela could talk a little about what FGV has studied on this subject, and the others bring the experiences of both Belo Monte and the BR-319 region. It seems to me that these are two recent strong examples of infrastructure insertion – hydroelectric dams and roads – in the Amazon, within the developmentalism still characteristic of our national development strategy.
Aligned narrative: deal with the conflicts that arise around infrastructure works to then bring light to the importance of governance and territorial planning, and you were going to think about the second speaker, whether it would be better someone with local experience or someone with a more academic profile.
Text for publication: The debate about infrastructure in the Amazon encompasses major issues related not only to environmental sustainability, but also to regional and local development, social justice, and human rights. Thus, the decisions that underpin infrastructure policies are not restricted to technical analyses or environmental licensing processes. The next webinar promoted by A Concertação pela Amazônia invites us to reflect on the implications of the lack of territorial planning and effective social participation in the decision processes related to infrastructure in the Amazon. Based on the examples of BR-319 and Belo Monte, the meeting will also promote a debate on the potential and limitations of different territorial governance arrangements.