Head provision of Article 196 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 - Health is a right of all and a duty of the State and shall be guaranteed by means of social and economic policies aimed at re- ducing the risk of illness and other hazards and at the universal and equal access to actions and ser- vices for its promotion, protection and recovery.
Law No. 8.080/1990 - Regulates the conditions for the promotion, protection and recovery of health, as well as the organisation and functioning of corresponding services.
Ordinance 2.488/2011 - Approved the National Primary Care Policy, reviewing guidelines and stand- ards for the organisation of Primary Care, for Family Health Strategy (ESF) and for the Community Health Agents Programme (PACS)
Decree No. 7.508/2011 – Regulates SUS, planning, health care and inter-federative policy articulation.
Bill No. 4.223/2021 - Provides for telehealth initiatives and services.
Bill No. 1.998/2020 - Amends Law No. 8080, of September 19, 1990, to authorise and regulate the practice of telehealth throughout the country; and revokes Law No. 13,989 of April 15, 2020.
National Policy Guidelines and Framework for and with Brazilian Youth
Juventudes do Agora
Ensure access to specialised psychological counselling and support services for young people, especially women, through the public health care system or in schools.
Provide training and capacity-building to health care professionals and multiplier agents from a human rights perspective.
Governing in order not to hand over: a Multidimensional Security agenda for the Brazilian Amazon Instituto Igarapé e Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública
Train teachers, health agents and social workers in conflict mediation methodologies, in early detection of mental illness, and in recognising signs of alcohol or drug abuse.
A pressing agenda: public policies for a democrat- ic Brazil with justice, prosperity and hope Derrubando Muros
Create regional centres of excellence, to prioritise medium- to high-complexity procedures, and improve the process of referrals and treatment continuity.
Strengthen tripartite funding, with 50% coming from the federal budget and the remaining 50% shared between states and municipalities.
Establish a national career for family physicians and nurses, in order to guarantee permanent service providing to the poorest regions and to indigenous and hard-to-reach areas in the country.
Restore spaces of social participation and control within the scope of the Federal Government for monitoring and evaluating food security and nutrition policies.
Reinstate the National Council for Food Security and Nutrition (CONSEA) within the scope of the government bodies under the President’s office and its Ministries.
Qualify infrastructure projects in the Brazilian Legal Amazon for the Investment Partnerships Programme (PPI), bringing forward in the decision-making timeline the assessment of socio-environmental impacts.
Revoke the Support Programme for the Development of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining.
Establish new parameters for purchasing, selling and transporting gold within the country.
Form a committee to carry out technical, legal and operational feasibility studies to integrate real estate and land registries.
Create an Interministerial Working Group to formulate a National Land Governance Policy and a National Land Development Plan.
Prioritise a tactical and operational programme in Public Security within the scope of the Interstate Consortium for Sustainable Development of the Legal Amazon.
Reinstate the Bolsa Verde cash transfer Programme, prioritising families living in extreme poverty in forest areas of the Brazilian Legal Amazon.
Integrate data from the Health Information System for Indigenous Peoples (SIASI) to the Health Information System for Primary Care (SISAB) and to other Unified Healthcare System (SUS) information systems at a national level.
Prioritise the allocation of resources from the Fund for Universalisation of Telecommunications Services (FUST) to projects that serve traditional communities and smallholder farmers, in particular to public education and health care facilities.
Create the State Secretariat for Climate Emergency, directly under the President’s Office.
Develop technological alternatives for decentralised sewarage solutions in special, rural and peri-urban areas.